Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Discoveries

Mari loves to pull out books out of the bookshelf and has now found the door stopper.

Mari has now discovered how to pull herself up in her crib, which makes nap time and bed tim quite a challenge.

Tower Rock

We all went to Tower Rock, which is where Kyle and I got engaged.

Fun Times!

Mari had so much fun with Grandma & Grandpa Mueller.


Here are just a few of the animals that we saw.


On Sunday we all went out for a hayride. Mari loved it. I don't think that Grandma minded much either, being that Mari sat on her lap the whole time.


Our first night in Missouri we went to this really fun
restaurant where they actually throw the dinner rolls to you and outside was this really neat little train.


Mari loved going swimming at Grandpa and Grandma Mueller's. By the last day she was getting really antsy waiting from Kyle and I to get outside so we could go swimming.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Learning to Crawl

Mari is learning how to crawl, but she would rather walk so she was a little upset with Mommy for making her crawl and taking pictures!

Occupying our Days

I got a balloon from Mari for Mother's day and she loved to play with it.
Mari loves to go to the park and swing

Being silly

Mari loves to stand on the OUTSIDE of her exosaucer and play!

Spring time!

A little fudge pop never hurt!

Kyle, Mari and I went to our favorite resturant and after we saw the pretty trees and thought that we should take some pictures.

Mari loves to "ham" it ip for pictures